0xc000007b Application error
I'm having this error.
I've tried to install multiple different runtimes. And I've followed instructions from other threads with this same issue with no luck.
If anyone has an idea let me know, thanks.
L9 Mark Yetter this can really only be caused by 2 things:
missing redists: download and run this: https://github.com/ChxseH/Redist-Installer/releases/download/latest/Redist-Installer.bat
you antivirus: https://plutonium.pw/docs/antivirus/ -
My antivirus is fine regarding the file, and I've tried 3 different versions of that installer.
I'm out of ideas. The gamefiles in my gameserver should be fine as the game works properly.
I've made sure that both start_zm_server runs as administartor and that the bootstrap executable also runs as admin.
Could it be a windows 10 issue?
L9 Mark Yetter Supported Windows 10 versions are the ones above 1607.
Try downloading recent vc_redist https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 (x64 for 64bit machine, x86 for 32bit machine).
Also try directx https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=35
it could be helpful.
What's the AV you're using?
What are your specs?
Try also repairing game files, it also might be helpful. -
Dss0 Thank you very much bro. I had the same problem and i downloaded the 1st option. It worked without any problem!