[Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 1 Custom Power ups
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Desert_Ranger you have to be smarter when doing things like this nobody in here will hold your hand you aren't a child Desert_Ranger L name btw lol lol lol lol lol
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everything works for me except the random weapon powerup, it just spawns a death machine icon but doesnt actually do anything when picked up. Otherwise everything else is awesome.
pero donde esta el mod ?
MrProp You are right i forgot to add lil part of the code in to the version in comments.
Fixed it also upgraded it so player has to press usebutton to collect the weapon.
@dontknowletsplay just a heads up, in the version you attached with updated code, you left in the function to test the weapon drop powerups uncommented and so weapon drops are dropping for almost every instance that m1 is pressed.
Ezentru oops fixing it now.
Hello, can you make another version of this with bonfire sale removed? All the other power ups are fine but on maps with no pack a punch bonfire is kinda useless, the free pack a punch power up does the job. Thanks.
Schnaz open your file and comment out this line
maps\_zombiemode_powerups::include_zombie_powerup("c_bonfire_sale"); //custom
by adding 2 // front of it -
@dontknowletsplay So it should be like this?
//maps_zombiemode_powerups::include_zombie_powerup("c_bonfire_sale"); //custom -
Schnaz yes
@dontknowletsplay Thank you so much, it works, and how do I remove the random perk bottle drop? As it interferes with a mod I'm using (Reaper's Perk Pack). Thank you for reading.
Schnaz maps_zombiemode_powerups::include_zombie_powerup("random_perk"); //custom
@dontknowletsplay Where do I have to write that?
Schnaz i mean you have to comment that line out aswell..
hello bro
I have trouble - this mod doesn't work on shangri la. I mean that power ups are allowed, but they give me nothing, Do I only have this problem or everyone? -
Romashquin I have the same problem
Zaha_Ss Romashquin Fixed this.
I dont get it, what version i need to use? The version in your post or the version in your comment?