Server with xKMod LIVE v1.1 mod
I followed the documentation for loading mods onto my server, but I am running across an error when attempting to join.
Also, loading the mod before connecting would result in the client swapping back to the unmodded version of the game, going to the map load screen (no mod text or gamemode shown) and then disconnecting and throwing this error.
The strange thing is that I can load the mod and run a private match without any issues.The link to the mod is here. This final release is fairly old so I am not sure if anything needs to be tweaked.
Here is a copy of my latest games_mp from the log folder
0:00 ------------------------------------------------------------
0:00 InitGame: \com_maxclients\32\mapname\mp_array\playlist\1\playlist_enabled\0\playlist_entry\0\protocol\2117\shortversion\7\sv_allowAimAssist\1\sv_cheats\0\sv_disableClientConsole\0\sv_enableBounces\0\sv_floodprotect\4\sv_hostname\BlackOpsPublic\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\5000\sv_minPing\0\sv_pure\0\sv_ranked\4\sv_security\1\sv_voice\0\xblive_basictraining\0\xblive_privatematch\0\xblive_rankedmatch\0
0:00 InitGame: \com_maxclients\32\mapname\mp_array\playlist\1\playlist_enabled\0\playlist_entry\0\protocol\2117\shortversion\7\sv_allowAimAssist\1\sv_cheats\0\sv_disableClientConsole\0\sv_enableBounces\0\sv_floodprotect\4\sv_hostname\BlackOpsPublic\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\5000\sv_minPing\0\sv_pure\0\sv_ranked\4\sv_security\1\sv_voice\0\xblive_basictraining\0\xblive_privatematch\0\xblive_rankedmatch\0\g_logTimeStampInSeconds\0
2:54 Q;525283;1;rodrigobrgta12
4:11 Q;227757;1;Westurr
Here is the server batch@echo off ::Paste the server key from here set key= ::Name of the config file the server should use. (default: dedicated.cfg) set cfg=dedicated.cfg ::Name of the server shown in the title of the cmd window. This will NOT bet shown ingame. set name=Wests PROMOD NYC ::Port used by the server (default: 28960) set port=28960 ::Mod name (default "") set mod="mods/mp_xkmlive11" ::Only change this when you don't want to keep the bat files in the game folder. MOST WON'T NEED TO EDIT THIS! set gamepath=%cd% title PlutoniumT5 MP - %name% - Server restarter echo Visit / Join the Discord (a6JM2Tv) for NEWS and Updates! echo Server "%name%" will load %cfg% and listen on port %port% UDP! echo To shut down the server close this window first! echo (%date%) - (%time%) %name% server start. cd /D %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium :server start /wait /abovenormal bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe t5mp "%gamepath%" -dedicated +set key %key% +set fs_game %mod% +sv_config %cfg% +set net_port %port% +start_map_rotate echo (%date%) - (%time%) WARNING: %name% server closed or dropped... server restarts. goto server
Here is the dedicated.cfg
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PlutoT5 MP Server Configuration file // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This config best view with Notepad++ OR // // other *nix compatible editors of your choice. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remove "//" in front of lines to allow the // // server to read them. // // Anything after "//" is a comment. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GENERAL CONFIGURATION // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// g_allowvote "0" // Allow Vote. g_inactivity "190" // Enable or Disable auto kick feature for idle/AFK players. g_password "" // Password Protected Game. Leave blank if you want players to join. party_minplayers "1" // Pre-Match Lobby scr_xpscale "100" // Round end XP multiplicator (score * scr_xpscale = xp) scr_wagerbet "100" // How much it would cost to connect to a wager gamemode. sv_disableClientConsole "1" // Enable or Disable players ability to access server commands sv_doubleCoDPoints "1" // Earn double CoD Points for finished matches? sv_floodProtect "20" // Chat Spam Protection.(Set this to 20 if you are using a RCon tool) sv_kickBanTime "300" // Kick Ban Duration. Time before player can re-join the server after getting kicked. sv_maxPing "0" // Max Ping allowed. sv_maxclients "12" // Maximum players that can enter server. sv_minPing "0" // Minimum Ping allowed. sv_privateClients "0" // Private reserved slots on server. //sv_privatePassword "" // Password needed to use a private reserved slot. sv_pure "0" // Match data with both the cilent and server. sv_reconnectlimit "5" // How many times you can try to reconnect. sv_zombietime "2" // Your idle time period before getting kicked. sv_timeout "240" // Timeout time period. You will timeout after x seconds when attempting to connect or if you are getting connection interruptions. (Defualt 240) sv_voice "0" // Allow Voice Chat sv_voicequality "5" // Voice Quality, 9 for high, 1 for low. More bandwidth better quality. g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500" // Duration you can chat. voice_deadChat "1" // Enable/Disable voice over IP chat when a player is dead. voice_global "0" // Enable/Disable the use of in-game voice over IP. //sv_sayName "West's PROMOD" // The name of your server in the text chat, default is "console" ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // B3, IW4MADMIN, GAME LOG & RCON SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// g_logSync 2 // 0 only flush on game end, 1 flush when buffer full, 2 always flush after a write, 3 append to old logs. (Keep this at 2 if you plan on using a 3rd party admin tool) g_log "logs\games_mp.log" // IMPORTANT! Make sure the filename is unique for each server you clone! rcon_password "" // RemoteCONtrol password. !!Do NOT skip if you plan on using a 3rd party admin tool such as B3 or IW4m-Admin!! ////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PLAYLISTS // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // //1 - Team Deathmatch (18 Players) (score 10000) // //2 - Free For All (18 Players) (score 1500) // //3 - Capture The Flag // //4 - Search & Destroy // //5 - Headquarters // //6 - Domination // //7 - Sabotage // //8 - Demolition // //9 - Hardcore Team Deathmatch // //10 - Hardcore Free For All // //11 - Hardcore Capture The Flag // //12 - Hardcore Search & Destroy // //13 - Hardcore Headquarters // //14 - Hardcore Domination // //15 - Hardcore Sabotage // //16 - Hardcore Demolition // //17 - Barebones Team Deathmatch // //18 - Barebones Free For All // //19 - Barebones Capture The Flag // //20 - Barebones Search & Destroy // //21 - Barebones Headquarters // //22 - Barebones Domination // //23 - Barebones Sabotage // //24 - Barebones Demolition // //25 - Team Tactical // //26 - One in the Chamber (6 Players) // //27 - Sticks and Stones (6 Players) // //28 - Gun Game (6 Players) // //29 - Sharpshooter (6 Players) // //30 - Hardcore Team Tactical // //31 - Barebones Team Tactical // //32 - Team Deathmatch (12 Players) // //33 - Free For All (12 Players) // //34 - Capture The Flag (12 Players) // //35 - Search & Destroy (12 Players) // //36 - Headquarters (12 Players) // //37 - Domination (12 Players) // //38 - Sabotage (12 Players) // //39 - Demolition (12 Players) // //40 - Team Tactical (12 Players) // //41 - Hardcore Team Deathmatch (12 Players) // //42 - Hardcore Free For All (12 Players) // //43 - Hardcore Capture The Flag (12 Players) // //44 - Hardcore Search & Destroy (12 Players) // //45 - Hardcore Headquarters (12 Players) // //46 - Hardcore Domination (12 Players) // //47 - Hardcore Sabotage (12 Players) // //48 - Hardcore Demolition (12 Players) // //49 - Hardcore Team Tactical (12 Players) // //50 - Barebones Team Deathmatch (12 Players) // //51 - Barebones Free For All (12 Players) // //52 - Barebones Capture The Flag (12 Players) // //53 - Barebones Search & Destroy (12 Players) // //54 - Barebones Headquarters (12 Players) // //55 - Barebones Domination (12 Players) // //56 - Barebones Sabotage (12 Players) // //57 - Barebones Team Tactical (12 Players) // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PLAYLIST DVARS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //playlist_enabled "1" // Enable playlists? //playlist "1" // Which playlist should be run? //playlist_excludeMap "mp_nuked" // Exclude this map from the server rotation. //playlist_excludeGametype "dm" // Exclude this gametype. //playlist_excludeGametypeMap "tdm mp_nuked" // Exclude this gametype map. //playlist_excludeDlc "1" // Enable/Disable First Strike DLC Map Pack. //playlist_excludeDlc2 "1" // Enable/Disable Escalation DLC Map Pack. //playlist_excludeDlc3 "1" // Enable/Disable Annihilation DLC Map Pack. //playlist_excludeDlc4 "1" // Enable/Disable Rezurrection DLC Map Pack. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ┏┓ ┏┓ // // ┃┃ You don't have to change anything below this, ┃┃ // // ┃┃ if you are using playlists. ┃┃ // // ┗┛ Using playlists is highly encouraged to ensure ┗┛ // // ┏┓ a nice diversity of maps to choose from. ┏┓ // // ┗┛ THERE IS NO POINT IN HAVING 30 Nuketown only Servers! ┗┛ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GENERIC GAMEPLAY CONFIGURATION // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Some might be overwritten by playlists! // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //scr_allowannouncer "1" // Allow Announcer? //scr_allowbattlechatter "1" // Allow battle chatter? (PCs announcing their actions like reloading) //scr_disable_attachments "0" // Disable attachments? //scr_disable_cac "1" // Disable custom classes? //scr_disable_contracts "0" // Disable contracts? //scr_disable_equipment "0" // Disable Equipment? //scr_disable_tacinsert "0" // Disable Tactical Insertion? //scr_disable_weapondrop "0" // Disable dropped weapons? //scr_dog_count "8" // Amount of dogs //scr_dog_health "100" // Health per dog //scr_dog_max_at_once "4" // How many groups of dogs can be called in at the same time? //scr_dog_time "60" // How long dogs stay on the level //scr_fog_disable "0" // Disable fog? //scr_game_allowfinalkillcam "1" // Allow final killcam? //scr_game_allowkillcam "1" // Allow killcam? //scr_game_bulletdamage "1.0" // bullte damage (1.0 = 100%, 0.5 = 50% and 2.0 = 200%) //scr_game_deathpointloss "0" // Points lost on death //scr_game_forceradar "0" // Force enable UAV? //scr_game_graceperiod "15" // Grace period at the begining of each round? //scr_game_hardpoints "1" // Hardcore Scoring System. //scr_game_killstreaks "1" // Enable/Disable Killstreak rewards. //scr_game_onlyheadshots "0" // Only headshots deal damage? //scr_game_perks "1" // Allow perks? //scr_game_prematchperiod "15" // Pre-match time? //scr_game_spectatetype "1" // 0 = disabled, 1 = own team, 2 = all players, 3 = all players + free roam //scr_game_suicidepointloss "0" // Loose points for suicides? //scr_gun_game_spectatetype "3" // Same as scr_game_spectatetype, there are no teams in GG though //scr_intermission_time "15" // Time spent on the post game screen //scr_killstreak_stacking "0" // Killstreak roll over(?) //scr_player_allowrevive "1" // Allow players to revive team mates? //scr_player_forcerespawn "1" // Force respawn? //scr_player_healthregentime "5" // How long a player has to be without incoming damage until health regen starts. //scr_player_maxhealth "100" // Player dmg //scr_player_numlives "0" // Number of lives a player has (0 = unlimited) //scr_player_respawndelay "0" // How long a player has to be dead to respawn? //scr_player_sprinttime "4" // How long a player can sprint without perks? //scr_player_suicidespawndelay "0" // Punish suicidal players with longer death time? //scr_rcbomb_notimeout "0" // RC-XD Bomb disable time limit? //scr_team_allowHardpointStreakAfterDeath "0" // Allow killstreaks to be used after death to help ones team? //scr_team_artilleryTeamKillPenalty "0.25" // Multiplier for tk penalities caused by the Mortar Team //scr_team_fftype "0" // 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled and 3 = mirrored (3 is untested) //scr_team_kickteamkillers "0" // kick team killers? //scr_team_teamkillpointloss "1" // Point penalty for teamkills? //scr_team_teamkillspawndelay "20" // Delay spawns of teamkillers? //scr_teambalance "1" // Autobalance teams? //scr_teamKillPunishCount "4" // After how many teamkills are players punished? //scr_hardpoint_allowdogs "1" // Enable/Disable Attack Dogs Killstreak. //scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter_comlink "1" // Helicopter Com Link //scr_hardpoint_allowradardirection "1" // Radar Direction //scr_hardpoint_allowsupply "1" // Care Package //scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter_gunner "1" // Helicopter Gunner //scr_hardpoint_allowcounteruav "1" // Counter Spy Plane //scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter_player "1" // Helicopter //scr_hardpoint_allowmortar "1" // Mortar Team //scr_hardpoint_allownapalm "1" // Napalm Airstrike //scr_hardpoint_allowrcbomb "1" // RC-XD Bomb //scr_hardpoint_allowairstrike "1" // Air Strike //scr_hardpoint_allowauto_turret "1" // Auto Turret //scr_hardpoint_allowradar "1" // Allow Radar ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HARDCORE CONFIGURATION // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // uncomment below commands for some hardcore // // by removing the // before each set dvar. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // scr_hardcore "1" // Enable or Disable Hardcore Mode. // ui_hud_hardcore "1" // Heads up display. // scr_game_deathpointloss "0" // Points Loss on death XP. // scr_game_onlyheadshots "1" // Enable/Disable Only Headshots mode. You can only kill players by taking headshots. // scr_player_maxhealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn. // scr_team_fftype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. 1 = on, 2 = reflect, 3 = shared // scr_player_healthregentime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage. // scr_team_kickteamkillers "0" // Anyone who team kills, gets kicked automatically if you enable this feature. // scr_team_teamkillspawndelay "20" // Team Killer gets a respawn penalty of specified seconds (20). ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FREE FOR ALL GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// scr_dm_scorelimit "1500" // Points needed to win the game. scr_dm_timelimit "10" // Duration the game lasts in minutes when the score limit isn't reached. //scr_dm_playerrespawndelay "0" // Time in seconds wait to respawn. //scr_dm_waverespawndelay "0" // Delay before the first respawn in the first round. //scr_dm_numlives "0" // Lives per player 0 for unlimited. //scr_dm_roundlimit "1" // Round limit. //scr_dm_score_suicide "0" // Points allotted for suicide. //scr_dm_globalbattlechatterprobability "100" // How many actions in percent will trigger a PC to announce their action in game. 100 = every, 50 = every second, 25 every fourth action. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEAM DEATHMATCH GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// scr_tdm_scorelimit "17500" // Score limit to win the game. scr_tdm_timelimit "10" // Duration in minutes for the game to end if the score limit isn't reached. //scr_tdm_playerrespawndelay "0" // Respawn wait. //scr_tdm_waverespawndelay "0" // Duration is seconds before the first respawn in each round. //scr_tdm_numlives "0" // Number of lives per player 0 for unlimited. //scr_tdm_roundlimit "1" // Rounds per game. //scr_tdm_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" // How many actions in percent will trigger a PC to announce their action in game. 100 = every, 50 = every second, 25 every fourth action. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DOMINATION GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// scr_dom_scorelimit "200" // Score limit per game. scr_dom_timelimit "0" // Duration in minutes per round. //scr_dom_playerrespawndelay "0" // Duration of time you wait to respawn. //scr_dom_waverespawndelay "0" // Spawn delay at start. //scr_dom_flagcapturetime "10" // Time in seconds to capture a flag. //scr_dom_numlives "0" // Lives per player 0 for unlimited. //scr_dom_roundlimit "1" // Rounds played per game. //scr_dom_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" // How many actions in percent will trigger a PC to announce their action in game. 100 = every, 50 = every second, 25 every fourth action. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEMOLITION GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //scr_dem_scorelimit "2" // Score limit needed to win. //scr_dem_timelimit "2.5" // Round time limit. //scr_dem_roundswitch "1" // Rounds before the teams switch the sides. //scr_dem_bombtimer "45" // Time the bomb takes to detonate. //scr_dem_defusetime "5" // Time taken to defuse the bomb. //scr_dem_extratime "3" //scr_dem_numlives "0" // Lives per player 0 for unlimited. //scr_dem_planttime "5" // Time it takes to plant a bomb in seconds. //scr_dem_roundlimit "3" // Rounds the game is limited to, if there are no winners. //scr_dem_playerrespawndelay "0" // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds //scr_dem_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" // How many actions in percent will trigger a PC to announce their action in game. 100 = every, 50 = every second, 25 every fourth action. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SEARCH AND DESTROY GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //scr_sd_scorelimit "4" // Score limit required to win the game. //scr_sd_timelimit "2.5" // Time limit if the score limit isn't reached. //set scr_sd_playerrespawndelay "-1" // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds //set scr_sd_waverespawndelay "0" // Delay for first respawn. //set scr_sd_numlives "1" // Number of lives per player per game. //set scr_sd_roundlimit "0" // Rounds the game is limited to 0 for unlimited. //set scr_sd_winlimit "4" // amount of wins needed to win a round-based game //set scr_sd_roundswitch "1" // after X rounds, switch sides //set scr_sd_bombtimer "45" // Time taken for the bomb to detonate. //set scr_sd_defusetime "5" // Time taken to defuse the bomb. //set scr_sd_multibomb "0" // allow multiple people to 'have the bomb' //set scr_sd_planttime "5" //scr_sd_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" // How many actions in percent will trigger a PC to announce their action in game. 100 = every, 50 = every second, 25 every fourth action. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SABOTAGE GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //scr_sab_timelimit "10" // Duration in minutes the game lasts if the score limit isn't reached. //scr_sab_scorelimit "1" // Score limit to win the match. //scr_sab_bombtimer "45" // Duration in seconds the bomb takes to detonate. //scr_sab_defusetime "5" // Time taken to defuse the bomb. //scr_sab_hotpotato "0" // One bomb that the teams must fight over. One defending and one have to plant at the site. //scr_sab_numlives "0" // Number of lives players get. //scr_sab_planttime "2.5" // Time taken to plant the bomb. //scr_sab_playerrespawndelay "7.5" // Time before respawn. //scr_sab_roundlimit "1" // Rounds per game. //scr_sab_roundswitch "1" // Rounds needed to be played before the teams switch sides. //scr_sab_waverespawndelay "0" // Time delay for first respawn before the game. //scr_sab_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" // How many actions in percent will trigger a PC to announce their action in game. 100 = every, 50 = every second, 25 every fourth action. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CAPTURE THE FLAG GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //scr_ctf_scorelimit "3" // Target score before the round ends. //scr_ctf_timelimit "5" // Round length. //scr_ctf_enemycarriervisible "0" // Where is the flag carrier, spot visible on radar. //scr_ctf_flagrespawntime "0" // Time before a captured flag respawns. //scr_ctf_idleflagreturntime "30" // Time before a dropped flag returns to its default location if not picked. //scr_ctf_numlives "0" // Number of lives per player 0 for unlimited. //scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay "0" // Respawn wait in seconds. //scr_ctf_roundlimit "3" // How many rounds match would last. //scr_ctf_roundswitch "1" // Rounds before the teams switch sides. //scr_ctf_touchreturn "1" // Ability to return the flag by touching it. //scr_ctf_waverespawndelay "15" // Delay in seconds for each respawn wave. //scr_ctf_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" // How many actions in percent will trigger a PC to announce their action in game. 100 = every, 50 = every second, 25 every fourth action. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HEADQUARTERS GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //scr_koth_scorelimit "250" // Score limit to win the game. //scr_koth_timelimit "15" // Duration in minutes the game will continue if the score isn't reached. //scr_koth_numlives "0" // Number of lives per game. 0 for unlimited. //scr_koth_playerrespawndelay "0" // Players respawn wait. //scr_koth_roundlimit "1" // Rounds to be played. //scr_koth_roundswitch "1" // Rounds to be played before teams switch sides. //scr_koth_winlimit "1" // rounds per game //scr_koth_waverespawndelay "0" // First respawn delay for each round. //scr_koth_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" // How many actions in percent will trigger a PC to announce their action in game. 100 = every, 50 = every second, 25 every fourth action. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GAMETYPES LIST // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Free-for-all - dm // // Team Deathmatch - tdm // // Domination - dom // // Demolition - dem // // Search & Destory - sd // // Sabotage - sab // // Headquarters - koth // // Capture the Flag - ctf // // // // WAGER GAMEMODES // // // // -IMPORTANT- // // ENABLE xblive_wagermatch "1" // // // // One in the chamber - oic // // Gun Game - gun // // Sharpshooter - shrp // // Stick and Stones - hlnd // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //g_gametype "sd" // Select gametype from the list above //xblive_wagermatch "0" // Set to 1 if you plan on using a wager match. This is a MUST! Failure to do so caused script problems ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAP SHORT NAMES ROTATION LIST // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Array - mp_array // // Cracked - mp_cracked // // Crisis - mp_crisis // // Firingrange - mp_firingrange // // Grid - mp_duga // // Hanoi - mp_hanoi // // Havana - mp_cairo // // Jungle - mp_havoc // // Launch - mp_cosmodrome // // Nuketown - mp_nuked // // Radiation - mp_radiation // // Summit - mp_mountain // // Villa - mp_villa // // WMD - mp_russianbase // // // // FRIST STRIKE DLC 1 // // // // Berlin Wall - mp_berlinwall2 // // Discovery - mp_discovery // // Kowloon - mp_kowloon // // Stadium - mp_stadium // // // // ESCALTION DLC 2 // // // // Convoy - mp_gridlock // // Hotel - mp_hotel // // Stockpile - mp_outskirts // // Zoo - mp_zoo // // // // ANNIHILATION DLC 3 // // // // // // Drive-in - mp_drivein // // Hanger 18 - mp_area51 // // Hazard - mp_golfcourse // // Silo - mp_silo // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EXAMPLE MAP+GAMETYPES ROTATIONS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Single Game Mode + Maps: // // sv_maprotation "gametype tdm map mp_zoo map mp_silo map mp_nuked" // // // // Several Mix Game Modes + Maps: // // sv_maprotation "gametype tdm map mp_nuked gametype dm map mp_hotel" // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAP ROTATION (Edit the below to your liking) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // xKmod - server.cfg sample // for ruleset customizations, see z_custom_ruleset.iwd exec xkWhiteList.cfg // executes whitelisted commands (the white list is in the .ff, so DO NOT modify this unless you want the mod dvars to stop working) // Password settings set g_password "" // server password - domain is any text // FastDL settings set sv_wwwDownload "1" // enable download redirection - domain is 1: yes 0: no set sv_wwwBaseURL "" // url to download from - domain is any text set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "1" // should disconnect clients while downloading ? - domain is 1: yes 0: no // Map rotation, change to whatever you wish set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd map mp_cracked map mp_crisis map mp_firingrange map mp_duga map mp_hanoi map mp_cairo map mp_havoc map mp_cosmodrome map mp_nuked map mp_radiation map mp_mountain map mp_villa map mp_russianbase" // xKMod settings set xk_mode "eslmatch" //Game mode, check available game modes in attached modes.txt
If you need any other files/info let me know
Westurr I don't use xkmod but I had that same exact issue with the damascus camo and had to unzip all the files, there was a readme in there.
Dss0 experimented with loading mods on dedicated servers, iiric there is still a bug that prevents the clients from downloading files that will be investigated later on.
Xerxes what if the client downloads the mods manually?
DankCodClipsYT still won't work, will be fixed.
Dss0 thank you I completely understand. Hope to see more multiplayer mods. Would love to skin the cars on nuketown :()