Custom Weapons on BO2
syp Sorry but custom weapon will not be a thing because last time they had custom weapons was on the old version and plutoium changes the version of the game unless someone make a mod tool and changing the way how bo2 loads up mods to the list then it might be possible but i don't see that any time soon so.
my mistake there is BO2 Custom Classes + Custom Classes Tool Generator note it risky to use it tool but idk if this what you want
unknowghost you cant be a real person.
syp you cloud be right maybe im not maybe i am
unknowghost no you're not a real person cause you have no idea what you are talking about
syp cool
unknowghost why waste my time.
syp you waste your time just by playing games so im not the one wasting your time but your entitled to your own opinion ...
unknowghost not really i make profit by selling stuff for games
please stop responding to me in edits.
ok sorry