[ZM] EnCoRe V8 - Mod Menu
Resxt I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it still doesn't work, anyway thanks for the help (heres a vid showing the "problem") https://drive.google.com/file/d/13i58THFlSx-TBCmGMLZrBdVM2eSCegbY/view?usp=sharing
xNando it does the same to me too
Resxt only the .ff file or the entire folder?
xNando read what I said again
Resxt it worked, thanks
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Resxt Thanks for posting my menu! Great to see that people in 2022/3 are still using this!
For everyone who is trying to modify it feel free to do, the source code can be found here: https://github.com/mcabcon/encorev8
This is the original post, with a lot of "answered questions": https://cabconmodding.com/threads/black-ops-1-zombie-encorev8-zombie-edition-gsc-mod-by-cabcon.48/
If you do not allow to link to my page. Just remove the comment
Happy Modding!
My friends cannot join without having the mod menu. What can I do, they don't want to install it
SidewaysGamer69 don't use it
Resxt It just gave them a script error when trying to join me, and they did not have any mods, just a fresh installation of the game. Also, are they able to use the menu and see it since it is server sided?
Resxt Ok
can this work online
@XRK-ZIX as long as youre the host yes. however others in your game will also have it.
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my game crashes when i get the CZ75 duel wield
@Chloe-WRLD nothing to do with this mod. Just don't pick them up or install a script that removes them from the box
how do i get my download from proton drive to not be a .7z but .ff
i used winrar to get the ff cause I could only access the 7z file from task manager but instead of putting the mod in %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t5\zone I made a mods folder and put it in %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t5\mods so now I am able to load the mod but she still no worky
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