[Release] [Zombies] Set Mystery Box Hits Before Teddy
This script allows you to set the amount of times the box can be used before getting a teddy bear that moves the box. If you set it high it will basically just be a permanent box location but I would not recommend that because you might get a shitty box location. I'm working on a way to set up the first box spawn location for each map so that will release soon if I can get that working.
Here is the code. Put this in AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts\sp\zom
#include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_utility; init() { if( GetDvar( #"zombiemode" ) == "1" ) level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { level endon("end_game"); for (;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); self waittill("spawned_player"); level thread boxhits(); wait 6; self iprintln("^1Box Hits Set to: ^4" +level.chest_min_move_usage); } boxhits() { if(!isdefined(level.chest_min_move_usage)) { level.chest_min_move_usage = 10; //change number to whatever you want. } if(level.chest_accessed < level.chest_min_move_usage) { chance_of_joker = -1; } else { chance_of_joker = 100; //change this to -1 if you want a permanent box } }
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