Can't join friends (Not even a pc on my local network)
I've done everything the guide says, Port forwarded 27016,3074 and 4676-4676, UPNP is enabled too, Firewall is right (Allowed the plutonium app and also the ports) and my NAT type is open
(I can say that I didn't do anything wrong too, as I have some experience with networking hosting CSGO and Minecraft servers before as well as being a programmer and tech-savvy in general)EDIT: using a quick netstat command I can find that the 4976,3074 port has been opened by bo2 (the process id that netstat gives is the same as bo2) but that there is no program listening on them, so basically the custom match server is not running. Checking the console and the net_ip dvar says that the port is 4976 and I don't have another instance that could be blocking the port