zombies server shows up only in t4 multiplayer
EDIT: I needed to generate a separate key for zombies and to get a key for zombies i needed to select the waw mp option twice in the server key options dropdown menu at https://platform.plutonium.pw/serverkeys
I have a MP free-for-all server that works just fine with the ports forwarded and server is joinable and playable so my network setup shouldn't be an issue here but when I use the "!start_zm_server.bat" to start a zombies server it only shows up in the server browser if your running the t4 multiplayer client and doesn't show up in t4 co-op/zombies client... In
T4 co-op/zombies client I see a bunch of zombies servers but not mine; If I launch the T4 multiplayer client I see a bunch of multiplayer servers and my zombie server but if you try to join it then it says "Server is a different version: COD_WaW"..... Am I missing something when it comes to running a zombies server?Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance.
Can you screenshot your version of https://platform.plutonium.pw/serverkeys ?
Xerxes I litrally just figured it out. I needed a zombies server key.
You have to click the WaW key option twice to get zombies.
Yeah its the most obvious thing that it could be, seems like someone broke something regarding that menu.
Glad you could figure your issue out.Edit: Eldor just pushed a fix for it, you might have to refresh the page forcing it to ignore your cache to work.