Bug with Bots i get no result/rank at the end of a match
Hi, i couldn't find anything about it here in the forum. I'm currently playing with the mod ineedbots/piw5_bot_warfare and i have a problem. At the end of a match comes the music and you see your result, for example a LvL Up and what rank you have now. The problem is that i only hear the music and see a gray field but my new rank is not displayed or my achievements.
I can still level up without any problems and I also get my weapon upgrades. But i dont get Titles or emblems.I only had this problem when I had to reinstall Windows 11. Before I did that everything works great. I've reinstalled Windows several times now and I also deleted MW3 and formatted all hard drives. I reset everything but the problem is still there.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be and how to fix it? Thanks Mates.