screen freezes in windows 10
Hello, I have a HP laptop with an intel inside core i3 processor and... I was playing BO2 zombies. The game progresses normally without any lag, but there comes an unexpected moment where it suddenly freezes in the middle of the game and the rest of the game and sounds continue.
Although you can shoot soon they kill you because the screen stays as a static image and you have to close the game completely with the sadness of losing all the progress obtained.
The problem has already occurred 3 times unexpectedly.
[GOD] Sebas
ur laptop cpu is over heating u need to put some things below it in a way u dont cover the fans so for example put it on the 4 edges of the laptop
also put all the settings on low even if u have good preformance u need to do it not just in graphics but in advanced too
and i know this may sound stupid but save up and buy a pc 100 times better than laptops -
DrT2002 one of the better solutions out here.
[GOD] Sebas What I can also advise you is to remove excess junk from your computer, either by CCleaner or any other software. It might help, but not as much as adding a fan under your laptop.
Yes, I already have a fan under the computer, what seems strange to me is that only the screen freezes and all the rest of the game continues to work normally, even without getting too hot. I'll keep the tips in mind though, clean up the trash and see how long it takes to buy a better one.
[GOD] Sebas what is your antivirus and what is your fps capped to (com_maxfps in console)
[GOD] Sebas
try playing lan mode too i feel like its less to get crashes there from my own experience -
@ResxtDo I didn't manage to run the command, but my antivirus is eset and malwarebytes but ... What does this affect? Inside the game with Very low graphic settings I usually go to 40 fps in game
[GOD] Sebas having 2 antiviruses isn't the smartest thing, I remember running Malwarebytes and Avast on old rig, and it was overheating a lot. Remove one of those, and try cleaning your PC from trash files. Some antiviruses in general affect PC performance, while some constantly block Plutonium (which is why you need to add it to exclusions list), and that tutorial can be found here
To uncap FPS, you have to type the command in in-game console (which is accessed via button under Esc), and then type com_maxfps 1000 (or any maximum number allowed).