Donation and issue
Re: [To The Admins](staffs and contributors)
I really appreciate what you guys are doing here and would like to substantially donate on a regular basis to help keep it going BUT....... You see, I have an issue that I cannot seem to resolve, and I cannot contact any of the admins to see if any of them can assist me in possibly correcting it. I would appreciate it if any of you can do this. I assure you it will be worth the groups while. My user name was SWKJR but I changed it to OLDRETIREDDUDE in an unsuccessful attempt to correct the issue. Thank you
You didn't provide any info on your issue
My issue is I have a rank of Commander (65). I have not been here but a couple of weeks and am nowhere near capable of achieving that. I am 72 yrs old and do not have the eyesight nor the reflexes to do that. How do I reset that to show the newbie that I am? I attempted to reset everything using the console but to no avail. I do not mind getting my butt whooped by all of you, however I do not want it showing that I am some kind of expert Thank you
Resxt I also failed to mention this is on T4 WaW
oldretireddude the resetstats command should work but if it doesn't you can try deleting the stat files manually. they are in %localappdata%/Plutonium/storage/t4/players.
What was said above is what you're looking for, just adding some extra info
In case you don't know you can either write commands in the bootstrapper (the command prompt that opened when you start the game) or in the in-game console, the result is the same
Thank you guys I will make another attempt. Maybe I was not typing the commands properly but I could not get them to work. Dss0 thank you that worked. Very much looking forward to go back to getting my ass wwhooped by all of you Thank you all.
Dss0 I made a nice donation to your Plutonium Project after you told me how to take care of my issue but I have no confirmation anyone received it. Is there any way of doing that as I would like to continue doing it. I like what you guys are doing. I also have another question but it should be in another thread. Please excuse my ignorance but I see no method for posting it. Could you explain to me how to do so? Thank you.
oldretireddude thanks
You have the contributor role on the forum, that means your donation went through. If you also want to have the role on your discord account create a topic in the VIP support section with your discord tag.
For your suggestion: it belongs into general discussion so go there and click "new topic" on the top left.
I see that now, thank you. As far a "role" on discord, I could care less, I only use discord to talk to some friends. I just wanted to make sure I knew it had been received and that you and your compatriots knew it was there. Look for more in the near future. I thank you for taking the time to answer me. If that is really you out there on T4 I very much look forward to meeting you there again. Is there any way of talking to you guys while playing?
oldretireddude It could be him but it's very likely a bot named after him. Some servers use staff names for bots. If you see multiple staff with low ping and playing like robots then it's most likely bots
Resxt Thank you
Resxt This explains some things I found rather peculiar and completely changes how I look at this game. It does not matter but does clear up some things. Told you I was a newbie Again, thanks