Online Zombies servers dead?
I used to play BO2 zombies like 6 months ago but due to classes i had to stop, now that i come back it tells me that the online services are down and the local option isnt appearing,
Do i need to redownload the launcher?
Is it a problem with my pc?
How can i fix it? -
Pikuku20 ? don't get what you're trying to say but zombies has been working for BO2 perfectly fine
Classes? aren't even in zombies so don't get what you mean by that either
Memeking254 i meant school (doesnt really matter) but what my problem is, is that when i try to log onto BO2 zombies, it tells me that the servers are curretly not working and should try again later
Pikuku20 Yea sorry I completely misread honestly your schools Network might be blocking Plutonium's servers or something Not sure if its something you can fix
Memeking254 Nah bro, im trying to play at home lmao i was asking cuz maybe they shut down the servers. Cuz it seemed wierd for plutonium servers to be shut
No it's just you
Pikuku20 you're the only person having this problem... So