Bo2 navcard bug all navs in hand/ Bo2 error de navcards todas las navcard en mano
Hello im having an issue related to the navcards in my matches, idk when this happen and idk if there is some kind of fix, here is what it looks like
MurasakiLover Did you use unlockall or any kind of mod menus that set your stats? Either of those is the only way to have more than 1 navcard. If you aren't attached to your stats you can use resetstats in the console to get rid of the navcards.
JezuzLizard oh actually i did it to show some friends to have master rank idk that would happen, thx for the fast reply, just to be sure there is one way to have master rank without the unlockall console code?
MurasakiLover Without using unlockall you can download a mod menu off the forums. Make sure you install the official way and not inject it outside of lan mode.