Multiples errores
No puedo abrir la aplicacion de plutonium, y tampoco me sale que este instalado auque si intento entrar, me salta un system-error diciendo que faltan varios archivos.
Errors related toD3DCOMPILER_43.dll
are caused by missing redistributable on your system.
To fix this a member of the staff created a script that will download and install all the redistributable (redist) required to get Plutonium running.
Download and open the script from the link below and let it finish to download and install every redist (Direct X, Visual C++ etc.)
Then once it says it's finished you can close it and start your game. speed varies depending on your download speed and on your PC specs.
The script is safe so if you get a message from Windows click on "More info" and "Run anyway". You can always right click on it and click edit to see what's inside.If for any reason it doesn't work read below
Download and install all the redist below even if you already have them installed
Direct X:
Visual C++ 2015:
Visual C++ 2015 RC: