[T6ZM] Ray Gun from CoD:Black Ops III
LKurama amazing simply perfect lad
looks nice
question can you port it to bo1 or is it diffrent
GhostRider0125 I thought about it, lemme see that tomorrow
dude i just noticed bo2 has 2 diffrent raygun models
this is the up until mob
this is buried and origins
yeah, mob, origins and buried have an updated model/textures.
Rip_Lucifer only buried and origins
GhostRider0125 I'll have to rework it
oh shiat
LKurama Did you by chance ever create a port for bo1? I have been looking around for one but currently unsuccessful
poyzee It's very glossy
If you scroll up this post, you will see its render -
LKurama I see it and actually prefer how it looks there to the base game, is there any way to download it? I am sorta new to how the site works so I'm not great at navigating it
poyzee I've got to upload it. But I'm currently making something else for BO2. Maybe later
LKurama No rush at all I honestly just wasn't certain if it existed at all. So take your time and I appreciate it
hey there, is there any way you'd be able to get that uploaded if you aren't too busy with any current projects?
Working Progress
poyzee It looks like shit and it's TOO glossy in BO1
Sry for reviving an old topic but can I use these Ray Gun textures for a BO3 Ray Gun for zombies release? Its not just a retexture and instead uses buried's ray gun model for the glow effect and MOTD's pickup and empty clicking noises for the complete BO3 feeling.
Cawldwink https://www.mediafire.com/file/z71b252ak2mqwo8/raygun_buried.zip/file
But it was included in this release.
Just credit me if you're using my release or anything like that and good luck -
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i believe that the blue doesn't glow besides as default