Delete effect?
Hello, does anyone know how I can either edit this effects time length, which I don't think is possible, or how I can delete it after a certain time?
playfx( level._effect["slipgun_splatter"], origin );
I don't have the answer but until a pro answers I can try to help you.
Can you try storing the FX in a variable then calling the delete function on it after some time?
Something similar to this. The same way, you could try calling the destroy function on itself.slipgun_splatter_fx = playfx( level._effect["slipgun_splatter"], origin ); wait 5; self.slipgun_splatter_fx delete();
chasef7 If you want to be able to delete it early you need to get a reference to it. You can try using playFXOnTag() to play the fx on an entity and then you can delete the entity early to delete the fx.