Temporary solution to settings not saving
Resxt Thank so much men. Un abrazo!
When i exit T5 multiplayer my online stats dissapear and i start again level 1 the next time i open T5, someone else has this problem? How can i fix it? Thank you so much!
Resxt Thank you, this was annoying me and made me stop using Plutonium for a while, but this command works.
Resxt It also throws the config files to C:\
Is it fixed already?
Resxt does not work for me it saves it but doesnt load the resolution right still
WendigoScout doesn't work for me either
FIFIov3 no
Plutonium didn't receive an update since more than a month so nothing has changed and I just tested it again and it works fine. Maybe you're running the command before doing changes or you ran the wrong command. Make sure to copy paste the entire command -
Resxt saves my ingame settings but my console command such as changing my FOV doesnt save and everytime i die in zombies it resets back to default
XxXFqZeDeezXxX this has nothing to do with this issue, that's how Black Ops games work.
To save your FOV you need to set 2 dvars, like this for example
cg_fov 90;cg_fov_default 90
Resxt Tks bro. When i put my graphics settings at multiplayer on maximum quality, the game crashes and appears a "connection interrupt" message, do u know how to fix?
Zoidegato maybe you can try this (and when the game is back on screen save with the command provided on top of this topic)
Cannot open the game window/black screen on launch
How to fix black screen on launch?
Go in the bootstrapper command prompt (the console opened when you start the game)
and paste this (right click)r_fullscreen 0;r_noborder 1;vid_ypos 0;vid_xpos 0;vid_restart
then press EnterAfter this you should be able to change your graphics without crashing
Now is working!
Peratril yeah mine is there too
XxXFqZeDeezXxX just put 120 in every command that has FOV in it and save config mine works when i even die