Is there anyway / script available that when a player chooses a team it just auto assigns that player?
I know in cod4x you can change code in the _menu.gsx fileif( menu == game["menu_team"] ) { switch(response) { case "allies": self [[level.autoassign]](); // changed from [[level.allies]] break; case "axis": self [[level.autoassign]](); // changed from [[level.axis]] break; case "autoassign": self [[level.autoassign]](); break; case "spectator": self [[level.spectator]](); break; }
Is there anything similar that can be done for MW3?
Wouldn't you prefer to not give the user choice at all and simply auto assign him when he joins?
This can be done with a few lines that restrict team choice and the line that you gave that is correct[[level.autoassign]]();
If you want to do that this script does just that
Init() { InitTest(); } InitTest() { replacefunc(maps\mp\_utility::allowTeamChoice, ::ReplaceAllowTeamChoice); level thread OnPlayerConnect(); } OnPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player [[level.autoassign]](); } } ReplaceAllowTeamChoice() { return false; }
Thanks Resxt
Just one more thing....
How once a player is autoassigned into the game can the player be stopped from changing team?
*** Done see post below ***
Ok did some tinkering and decided to set up a server players against bots.
Your autoassign script works great on first joining.
Now with the code I did(yours really helped me along). I now can stop a player from joining the bots team and gets put back to join the "Human" team.
Here's the code:Init() { level thread OnPlayerConnect(); } OnPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread OnPlayerSpawn(); } } OnPlayerSpawn() { self endon ( "disconnect" ); while( 1 ) { self waittill( "spawned_player" ); if(IsDefined( self.pers[ "isBot" ] ) && self.pers[ "isBot" ] ) return; else self thread ChangeTeam(); } } ChangeTeam() { self endon ( "disconnect" ); if ( self.pers["team"] != "axis" ) return; else self iprintlnbold("^3>> ^2Do Not Join The BOTS! ^3<<"); wait 2; self [[level.allies]](); }
Please feel free to scrutinise the code and point out where I could improve it
MAD_DAD You need to override the _menus.gsc file and with that you will be able to prevent people from joining one team and force auto-assign real players to one team and keep bots to a separate team.
The next Pluto release will have a built-in method "IsTestClient" you can use to differentiate between real players and bots.