Koi Blossom Spectre
One of my most personal favorite camos...
t5_weapon_spectre_n.iwi ~t5_weapon_spectre_reflection~4ca84cca.iwi ~-gt5_weapon_spectre_c.iwi ~~-gt5_weapon_spectre_spec_co~9172c706.iwi -
GhostRider0125wrote on Feb 10, 2023, 10:12 PM last edited by GhostRider0125 Feb 11, 2023, 12:17 AM
yo thats cool looking! nice
also anyone who downloads the files make sure its exacly named like this or it wont work (FaZe Flick press enter between them so otheres wont get confused)
GhostRider0125 I'm sure no one would get confused. I can see the downloads just fine... Shouldnt be too hard for others to spot.
Nice, Thanks for the release bro!
FaZe Flick you should probably put that into a Zip file link to Mediafire. That way you have more space and is more convenient
Nice camo, i surely add it to my folder
hi, i like you i want to maybe be ur friend UWU OWO
FaZe Flick great camo but lets be honest, who tf gonna use this gun lol