[Release] [Zombies] Who's Who custom perk on (almost) all maps
This script creates a custom perk machine (uses the quick revive model) in every map excluding DieRise and MOTD. These perk machines give you the who's who perk and it works just like the original does, but with altered screen effects and sound(Since I wasn't able to load the actual ones from DieRise into other maps).
For now I am only releasing the precompiled script on github, but I plan on releasing the source code at a later date.
If you have any issues please let me know. Enjoy!
wow best perk
can you do phd for die rise
Erickgames_HD mod seems to crash on coop, i revived myself when playing with a friend then got connection interrupted
Erickgames_HD Em pleno 2023 ainda tem erro no code
Angry Cat That is very odd.... Were you running any other scripts while testing it?
Angry Catreplied to Erickgames_HD on Feb 22, 2023, 9:15 PM last edited by Angry Cat Feb 22, 2023, 11:16 PM
Erickgames_HD a few, I can test later without other scripts with my friend to see if it still crashes
Erickgames_HD it doesnt crash on solo though
Erickgames_HD I was just curious if there was any update on released the source code?
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