Does the Bot Warfare mod for BO2 use regular BO2 AI or custom AI?
Title. I feel like even with the MW3 bots cracked up in the settings I get insta-melted and prefired around corners far less than the current BO2 bots. Sometimes it's like playing against cheaters and other times they're dumb as bricks simply walking past me despite being in plain view. While they're not hard by any means, the few deaths I do end up with are infuriating simply because it's usually from being shot through walls/smoke or them pre-firing corners before I'm even in view.
The MW3 Bot Warfare AI typically don't do this and either jumpshot around corners before firing or at the very least have a small delay.Guessing there's no way to change the names of the bots from developer names to custom ones either? Any settings that can make them less aimbot when in close range?
You can change the name on a dedicated server, with a plugin
Okami Amaterasu T6 bot warfare doesn't really modify the AI of the bots. It does fix the bots the Search and Destroy bot code to work, but because the bots are controlled by the engine in most ways its not currently possible to make a custom bot AI for T6 without modifying the engine to add custom GSC functions to control the bots directly.
Resxt I see. Is this on the main Github page for Bot Warfare or a separate thing altogether?