My controls on both MnK and Controller are messed up.
My controls are fr super weird now. Having to press the jump button for like 3 times to jump a literal centimeter off the group or having weird moon gravity stuff too. IDK what to do.
Yes this. I have been dealing with this issue for a while now through multiple full installs of plutonium the correct way but I could never figure out how to word it. This is very frustrating. The real bo2 was never this bad
SpiderGoomba Dub_Da_Don cap your fps to 200 or below. Lot of old games have their physics tied to your FPS so FPS too high causes unexpected gravity/physics
Gotcha Ill try that. Thanks
Update yes that worked. I capped it at 120 instead of 200 but it fixed everything and its working beautifully. Its just kinda weird cuz it goes against everything I know as a PC gamer (Higher framerate is king). In my opinion that should be included in the tutorial or FAQ or something of the sort. Thanks for the help though Resxt