Pultonium is getting stupid. [challenge verification failed]
Seriously, fuck this shit.
You know what's failed? I would be happy to know!Currently the support is near zero. God damn.
You can mod literally everything in the fucking game. Can you please update this fucking message to make us KNOW WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH OUR CLIENT? Because I'm running the lastest version. Jesus fucking christ.
i just created an new plutonium account and since then i didnt get the error again, maybe try it?
@GangorraAidetica Yea they said it's a known bug and they have been working on it but bruh I haven't been able to get into a match on BO2 for 4 days
. This bug needs to be fixed asap.
@GangorraAidetica This may sound strange but try changing your plutonium username to something shorter.
Dss0 jesus christ I switched from GangorraAidetica to Gangorra and Instantly got access to a server I couldnt.
LOL awesome, hope it helps to debug this point.
Gangorra this is already resolved. Should be fixed in the upcoming update
Resxt When will the update come out? It's already been a bit so I'm just wondering when we will see this fixed.
@xXRaptorSc0pezXx just get a shorter username as said. 15 or less characters. Updates don't have any ETA
Resxt Na I'll just wait for the update. It wasn't a problem before and I'm not gonna change it now just because y'all messed something up. Thanks for making sure the bug is getting fixed tho.