What if Plutonium went open source?
ElectroGameswrote on May 22, 2023, 11:45 PM last edited by ElectroGames May 23, 2023, 2:46 AM
If Plutonium got a cease and desist, what if the project went open source before that happened?
While Plutonium would still be gone, others will be able to pop up in place of plutonium, and hopefully Activision will stop worrying about these clients.
It would be like the Club Penguin rewrites, when one is shut down by Disney, another one always reopens in its place.Even if over the next few years Activision continues taking them down, there will be a time when they will stop and when that time comes, a client will be ready to take its place rather than spending months if not years reverse engineering all of these cod games.
ElectroGames Being open sourced doesn't mean anything. Activision doesn't even look at the source code
Bubbles Did you not even read my thread? lol
My point is that others will be able to use the source code to easily create a new client without having to recode it. There will be a point where Activision will stop sending cease and desists and when that happens, there will be a stable ready to go client to come online. -
ElectroGames I read it. I understand your point. But the problem is whether they will or won't stop sending C&Ds to clients. Especially if the client is built up from a client that got a C&D. XLabs took down their source to prevent any legal trouble, so Plutonium would have to do the same
Bubbles Of course but we can only benefit from trying. Obviously Plutonium would have to take down the source code if they did get a cease and desist but by then, people most likely would have downloaded it.
Oh well, it was just a suggestion.
Bubbles making it open source would be very beneficial even if plutonium took down the source code someone would have it downloaded and be able to share it especially if you made I don't know say a torrent that anyone could seed? I understand the devs don't want people to steal their code but it seems like its only a matter of time before the project gets taken down. Also whether the c&d letters stop is completely irrelevant someone will eventually host it in a country with more relaxed copyright laws this has happened for other games before eg Phasmophobia
fetusfurnace If Pluto wanted to go open sourced, they would have already done so. That doesn't mean they should go open sourced. As you said, they don't want people stealing their code, which is what has happened with other open sourced projects (S1x)