I'm trying to make a max ammo reward that's given to players after completing every round. This is what I have so far but it does nothing.
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility; #include maps/mp/_utility; #include maps/_utility; #include common_scripts/utility; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_spawner; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_message; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_util; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_powerups; #include scripts/zm/remix/_powerups; init() { level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for (;;) { level waittill("connected", player); // when a player connects, they will thread this. player thread maxAmmo_setup(); } } maxAmmo_setup() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); self endon("end_game"); wait 5; for (;;) { level waittill("round_start"); self thread maxAmmoEveryRound(); } } maxAmmoEveryRound() { if (level.round_number >= 1) { //foreach (player in level.players) //{ level thread full_ammo_powerup_override(); // Change to max_ammo_powerup player thread full_ammo_powerup_override(); // Change to max_ammo //} } }
It compiles and loads fine but doesn't give any max ammo. Any help would be appreciated.
DylanBeast777 You should do the setup within a level scope and you can give the powerup by using
level maps\mp\zombies\_zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( "full_ammo", level.players[0].origin );
so for example this will make the level wait for the end of each round and then give the powerup
init() { level thread maxAmmoEveryRound(); } maxAmmoEveryRound(){ for(;;){ level waittill("end_of_round"); level maps\mp\zombies\_zm_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( "full_ammo", level.players[0].origin ); } }
You dont necessarily have to wait for "end_of_round" you can also use "start_of_round", which will also give the powerup when the first round starts. Alternatively you can use "between_round_over", which i think will give spectators time to respawn before giving the powerup
chicken emoji Thank you so much for your help! That works perfectly!
DylanBeast777 any chance you can help me learn how to make mode cuz youtubes useless they don't explain what there doing or even at time don't show you how