Animated Camos V2.0 [ZM]
The other patch was deleted because I was working on a better verison of it, this is that version.
Source Code
Animated Camo example
How to make animated camos to install
- Download the files
- Drop the iw_animatedcamos.iwd on your main folder
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops\main) - Drop the rest of the files in your zone folder
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops\zone\Common)
Last Updates
- Added minigun animation
- Added animated hands
- Fixed Japanese version
- Fixed plutonium crashing when you get the cz-75 dual weild
- Removed white ash trail from dogs
- Removed zombie eye color overlay
- Added a version without Misty
- Removed the color overlay from the lights of the Tgun
Custom weapons
- Karambit
- Sliquifire
Animated weapons
- AK74U
- Ballistic Knife
- BBgun
- Betty
- Bowie
- China-Lake
- Claymore
- Crossbow
- Commando
- CZ
- Dragunov
- G11
- Galil
- Gershes
- HK21
- HS10
- L96A1
- Law72
- M14
- M16
- M1911
- Minigun
- Monkeys
- MP5
- MP40
- Olympia
- Python
- Raygun
- Scavenger
- Sliquifire
- Spectre
- Stakeout
- STG-44
- Tgun
- Thompson
- Waffe
- Wavegun
- Leff-handed zapgun
- Right-handed zapgun
Other Stuff
- Misty
- Custom fx
- Earth gif
Shout out to:
- TC - For making some animated camos
- Badger - For making the animated betty
- Clippy95 - For adding misty model
Made by BoneCrusher
Loved that mp40 camo ill check your othere camos later awesome pack
also edit the post and say how to install the mod or just make a readme in the zip file : ) -
any tip on how to change the white com dogs to anything else
and how can you change a animated ember texture without making the game break -
GhostRider0125 I added a how to install the mod.
To change the texture you have to make it a .iwi file on the bo1 format and add it into the iw_animatedcamos.iwd -
i changed this one but it crashes my game -
GhostRider0125 A few things to mention with your file:
- Animated textures follow the same "rules" as normal camos, you have to make the image the correct size (4x4 256x256 1024x1024...) Yours is 1000x1000 so it would'nt work
- It's not the game fault it doesnt load, your dds cant even be loaded in PaintDotNet, PhotoShop or a DDS to PNG converter
DDS to PNG converter
I wonder how you even made the texture hahaha. Im sorry but I cant help you if none of these tools can open your file
i just converted l96a1ember in your pack using red K app then opened it in photoshop then used hue/saturation to change it from purple to yellow then converted it in K again pressed 3 and yeh
can you just send the normal purple version of it that you have ill use diffrent method -
can you make a separate version without misty?
Angry Cat I might make another version without misty next week
thanks man
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hey dude i tried to change zombies eye color to red and lime green but it didnt work can you make and send them or just tell me how can i do it and for animated claymore and bettys do i have to place every single image frame by frame or is there an easier way
GhostRider0125 you cant, im thinking of removing the color overlay from the base game instead of changing it to puerple. I'll keep you updated and ill also post it on my discord
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Angry Cat No misty version added! sorry for the wait, wanted to fix plutonium's crashes and the japanese version too in the same update
GhostRider0125 Removed the white stuff from the dogs and also the zombie eye color overlay
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Bone Crusher whats the japanese smiley file called
@CyrinXo fxt_zombie_thundergun_view_glow
but im pretty sure I didnt add it in the patch -
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