do i need to own the bo2 to play it on plutonium?
BO2 Client Support
do I need to own the bo2 to play it on plutonium? cause I originally played it on my old Xbox 360
veno 07 you need to own bo2 on steam yes
The original pirate has been taken down because of a recent 'Cease and Desist' order put on Plutonium by Activision. Saying that they will take down Plutonium if they do not take down the free versions of BO2. You're now better off getting BO2 on steam. I'm sorry it had to be like this, but best of luck to you from here on out.
nah, just crack it, there's some T6 versions archived
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Will be rendered unusable when Pluto adds Steam Checks.
veno 07 yep
02l I believe they already did that.