[Support] How do i delete bounces?
Here's my bounce code:
trampoline = spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
trampoline setmodel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally" );
foreach( player in level.players )
player iPrintln("Bounce Created By: ^2" + self.name);
player thread monitortrampoline( trampoline );
monitortrampoline( model )
self endon( "disconnect" );
level endon( "game_ended" );
if( distance( self.origin, model.origin ) < 85 )
if( self isonground() )
self setorigin( self.origin );
self setvelocity( self getvelocity() + ( 0, 0, 999 ) );
wait 0.01;
I just need a function that deletes all the bounces by that player . Sorry if it seems like a lot, having issues getting it to work
You can't do that with the function you have, because it doesn't link "trampoline" to a player entity. Use something like
so you can manage them better.i
would be an incremented integer. -
You can but,,,
You need another function to end the Thread and to move the bounce in another position if u can't delete the entity -
Sass your a fucking bitch lol, if (sass;bitch)
loop_ This isn't even correct lmao
Sass once i do that do you do
if (self.numberOfBounces > 0)
for(i = 0; i < self.numberOfBounces ; i++)
self.bounce[i] destroy();
self.numberOfBounces -= 1;
wait .01;
}because that doesn't work for me
This snippet looks good to me