How To Get Misty Viewmodel for all maps (BO2)
Re: ZM - Script for LEGIT HighRounds Solo
On BO1 There is a script to make misty appear on maps like Kino , Five, basically any map right.
so on BO2 is there a possible way to use misty's view model on every map too? (ex: misty on mob, survival maps, origins)I've already looked in the COD record server and cant find anything.
Thank you
it2achireplied to 0xtf on Jan 27, 2024, 3:32 AM last edited by it2achi Jan 27, 2024, 5:33 AM
0xtf I've been searching for this for days and haven't found anything
and umm... can you give me the script of misty on all bo1 maps and how to install it pls??
it2achi If you haven't found it yet
F3AR MeGa thats bo1