Not saving level progress
Hello Guys
I'm new here and played since yesterday about 5-6hrs Black Ops MP with Pluto. Now I see, that when I go offline for a longer period (12hrs or less) my stats won't save / just a part of it. Yesterday I played until LvL29, today started again at 16, played today until 42 and now I'm back at 27... is this a known issue and why?... and what can I do, so that all the progress get's saved...
Kind regards
luzernerseverin -
It's a known bug
in console before leaving the game -
Oh okay thank you I will try out this. If it's not working coming back here
Resxt hey I was having the same issue I typed in the console uploadstats but it didn't work
ME too same issue with bo1
undefined Anatiko referenced this topic on
Okay, ive been to every forum and every thread.
Please someone from staff help us fix this.
This is a major issue. No zombie stats are being saved. Ive played a few games and my rank never changed and when i close the game and re-launch, all stats are 0. No games played, no kills nothing. WE NEED HELP PLUTONIUM STAFF. -
Rawpower30 said in Not saving level progress:
Okay, ive been to every forum and every thread.
I highly doubt that, since then you would know what is included in the next update and you would have not posted this before that update releases.
undefined Giemmeffe referenced this topic on
me too, I have literally lost 30,000 cod points, and even if i buy guns or cammos I lost everything
still having this issue on bo2