[ZM] Black Ops 4 HUD | W.I.P
LKurama within the bo3 workshop for that game there is a bo4 hud but as a mod
FaZe Flick I'm talking about getting the BO3 HUD in BO2
love it
hope this still being worked on, looks dope af
tupivere_ i guess you can make all this based on Cod War Mod from Gerard by extracting all of it and seeing how that one works, its so cool the way he made the HUD.
tupivere_ You still working on this? cuz this looks awesome no cap
are you still working on this?
nope, I would like to get back to this and do it properly with LUA after I'm done with some stuff on Black Ops 3
tupivere_ dowload link bro? thanks, it look excelent
That's really cool work!
Although it's been years, I still haven't found a way to test that great mod you've uploaded. I hope you'll share it later