Need help porting textures from this game.
I've been trying to convert iwi textures so i can use them for a mod in another game, but something strange happens when i convert it to dds, No idea why this happens as you can see the texture is fine up until the upper half,at which point it starts to loop into smaller versions of itself. Any idea why this happens? i am using an old converter made in 2012 by kokole, so that might be the reason why it doesn't work.Any fix to this?me_ground_mud1_color.jpg
litesnipe1245 vc tem algun mod de contagen de zonbies no bo2, se tiver pode me ajudar
litesnipe1245 u just need the base look of the texture file or just download somebodys in forum convert it to png then edit it in photoshop or what ever editing image you have then u convert it to dds (DONT USE ONLINE SITE FOR CONVERTING TO PNG OR DDS OR IT WILL BE BLURY IN GAME OR BROKEN EVEN USE
THIS APP) then u drag it to app and its ready
heres the tools that work for me in mw3
(btw this tool doent need dds just png is enough) -
if you have the iwi that works and its not broken glitchy then drag it in tools then edit it to whatever
once your done put it in paint net app that i send you convert it to dds then you drag it to tools if they didnt covert it its alright just do it with fast iwi convertor ( K app ) press the number for mw3 it should work its just you shouldnt extract mw3 iwi with K app only dds to iwi is good for K app its just how mw3 is LoL -
Thank you, it worked!!!
litesnipe1245 np i was stuck with weird glitchs with texture myself until found the tools and no need to thank twice
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