Fui banido do Server da Latam
I was temporarily banned for 1 hour :I
Kinda normal... after 3 reports, you will get a temp ban.
If you keep going eventually, you will end up with a perm ban.
These are the reason which can give you a ban:
1)Pre-aim to spawn places or obvious corners.
2)Pre-firing to spawns and some random corners/places.
3)If you are good enough at aiming, I can guarantee that it will be a ban. -
ChosenUndead This is my second temporary ban on the same server... I'm not going to lie, I'm scared of being banned from this server, since it's practically the only one with good ping in our region and it's always full of players.
You can go there:
--removed--There are better servers in which you will get better time to enjoy. Anyway, if you really want to play on the LATAM server, go to the link and try to talk with the owner.
But be aware of the mental illness of that person. -
wtf bro
alguien sabe como puedo hablar con el administrador del server de latam por un baneo sin razon?
Does anyone know how I can talk to the latam server administrator about a ban for no reason?
This is the last part of the discord link.
I have had shared before, but it was remove... -
despues de que te baneen permanente mente hay alguna manera de poder jugar el mismo server o hay que hablar si o si con el admin?
ChosenUndead stop posting that or it will be the last thing you ever posted here.
Sorry I didn't knew that it was not alowed -
Ghy54- JAJAJAJAJA recien veo esto. Amigo tenes una enfermedad mental (vos mismo me lo dijiste), realmente yo tengo lastima por tus padres si es que tenes o sea quien sea que te pague el server, xq claramente no lo pagas vos seguro ni siquiera pudiste conseguir un empleo por tu condicion o tal vez cobres alguna pension por discapacidad, no digo que este mal, pero claramente tu vida no es mejor que la mia. Claramente no me conoces, estas reflejando tu vida y tus miedos a traves de lo que decis de mi. Seguramente soy mucho mas grande que vos, tengo mas de 30 años, tengo un buen empleo, familia y todo lo que nunca vas a tener por tu condicion. Tal vez el psiquiatra te ayude y te cambie la medicacion o no. Pero a mi no me afecta en lo mas minimo tu ban, todo el mundo se queja de vos pero pocos saben que tenes una enfermedad mental. Me das pena por que seguramente la unica salida de tu mediocre vida sea administrar el server xq estas todo el dia conectado baneando gente. Lo lamento mucho hermano, te mando un abrazo y muchas fuerzas, que te mejores.
@By_G4BY ¿Realmente tienes la intención de abrir un servidor en el futuro?
undefined Xerxes moved this topic from General Discussion on
Moving this to
trashthe depths of the other language section as y'all can't behave.
I'm not even sure why you are still discussing the same thing over and over again and not simply (create a and ) play on a better server, but that is on you and not breaking the forum rules. -
@touchy No tengo tiempo, sino lo haría.
Ghy54- What is the discord server? At the time of posting I couldn't find it and the only alternative I found was the plutonium forum
Hi guys, gui permanently banned from the server but I don't use hacks!! How do I get back to playing on it? It's the best server with low PING for me
Ive got banned and kicked also for playing good......
i want to talk to a latam moderator/admin or the owner
i want to have fun and you just kick me for exploiting/cheating