[ZM] First box patch + timer + movement speed (Fix for moon)
Original Post Here.
Since I guess it was too much work I decided to fix the "except moon" part of this mod. This no longer has to be used as a common patch and can be used as a map patch for those that may want to use other patches on other maps.
Everything included can be found in the original post linked above.How to install:
- Take the mod.ff file and either rename it to common_zombie_patch. or of you wish to rename it to a map patch, use the txt file that will be included to copy the correct name.
- Make a backup of your original common patch or map patch.
- Place the patch in your zone
- Move the included .iwd into your main. This loads the textures for mule to prevent errors from occurring on load.
- Load your desired map and have fun cheating.
Changes Made to Original
- Removed cringe text on spawn replaced with credits instead.
- Made compatible with moon by adding missing files.
- Mod can now be used on every map as a map patch instead of a common patch.
@oChub on plutonium you can put the common_zombie_patch on %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t5\zone and it will work on moon, as long as you dont change the one located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops\zone\Common from what i understand
Yea but I got tired of the "except moon" bs from the other mod. and I know some people use map patches for other maps so its just convenience. just surprised after 3 years they still don't know how to fix moon properly.
Same with the "first ever moon" mod when they've existed for well over 4-5 years
but I know most plutonium people wouldn't know about them without being around.
it's not too much work, you had already posted a while ago how to patch Moon for steam version, so I figured I wouldn't post it. Good job
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