(MW3 Private match only Error) LinkFile: function "streakselectuptracker" in file "maps/mp/killstreaks/_killstreaks.gsc" referenced unknown function isjuggernautweapon (8BA9) from script ult.gsc (The error has Variations)
So i've checked the forum and there seems to be only one person who reported this script problem, This error happens with a vanilla version of mw3 (no mods, no script changes etc) i've tried taking out the file ''_killstreak.gsc'' and starting the launcher to get a fresh version of the file, (The file coming from the PLUTONIUM LAUNCHER ITSELF, gives the same error too) it didn't fix it at all this error only appears when i try to start a private match (I click start match, the map starts loading, a small amount manages to load before it gets stuck loading and then switches to black screen taking me back to the main menu giving me the pop up with the error) When i try to play on any server from the server browser i can play perfectly fine. (My game doesn't have any of the dlc's)
Picture of the error changing:
Picture of the original error:
Picture of another variation:
Is there any way to solve this? (Note: All these variations started happening once i opened google to post this, Before it only was ult.gsc i guess this happend because i have low ram and can't have google and mw3 open at the same time if i want to play smoothly, but i still left the variations of the error in the post, incase it may help with solving the problem)
You have modified files or installed scripts etc so just remove them
Resxt I haven't installed any scripts on the game, not even maps. (i don't have any modified files either)
As i said my MW3 is completly vanilla without dlc's, should i try to reinstall plutonium instead? -
Delete the iw5 folder inside the storage folder of your Plutonium install and run the updater again.
You have installed custom scripts that are trying to import functions from scripts that are not available (anymore). -
Nty2k Plutonium and Steam don't provide files with errors. This error comes from a script you installed
Xerxes I just tried this and it didn't work, i deleted the iw5 folder and started the updater, it installed everything again then i tried to start a private match and it gave me the same error again, The iw5 folder is completly free of any modifications made by me.
Do you have any other solutions? -
Nty2k you have modified files. Remove them. Might be your game files coming from a shitty crack website. We will not help you clean bad files from bad websites.
Again mark my words: you cannot get this error with an up-to-date Plutonium (which you have) with clean Steam files while NEVER touching the storage or installing anything else
Resxt i guess i'll get the dedicated server from steam then, Thanks for the help.
I also have the same problems. When I tried to join private server. I shows me the same error shown above. I tried to solve the problem. But, I could'nt find any solution. Please help me please.
I downloaded the latest version, still it shows me the same error.