BO2 Crashes when trying to load into a server, see below my dmp files and crash ID
so i cant upload my dmp files because theyre 240mg large and this forum only has a limit of 11mb, therefore i will just mention what i did before it crashed:
I opened plutonium and went into "custom games" because i wanted to try out a new camo, upon entering i get my first crash, i reloaded into bo2 and went into "solo play" then got hit with another crash, and then i reloaded once again and this time i tried to load into an actual server, and still crashed, below is my crash ID.
assistance would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance
FATHER OF GOD said in BO2 Crashes when trying to load into a server, see below my dmp files and crash ID:
new camo,
Delete it.
Xerxes damn i j did and it worked
so then ive come to the concluson that a gold camo isnt possible on bo2 zombies, maybe it is but using a different method, thank you man for the speedy response