Patch_mp.ff is missing
Can someone send me a file of " patch_mp.ff " My world at war game doesnt open and it gives the error that the file is missing. NOTE : I downloaded a file that i found on the internet but it was an old version and it requires atleast " 387 version "
This error means you have outdated and/or broken/missing files.
Manually installing files is bypassing the issue instead of fixing it.Update your game to 1.7. Read instructions carefully -
Resxt Thanks for the help but i had already downloaded the file that u sent me and nothing got fixed. I tried copying the file from my black ops game but apperantly it was a newer version (over 400 as i remember) and it needs the 387 version.
Sufllaqe you don't need to copy files. Read the instructions carefully. Has to be done one by one from oldest version up to 1.7
Resxt Still didnt work...
Sufllaqe well I can't help you then. Get clean files from Steam
Resxt worked for me thanks
the patch doesn't add "patch_mp.ff" to the english folder.
Resxt he would have done that if he wanted to buy
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