plutonium-bootsrapper-win32.exe - wrong image
Im having an issue with this error prompt
It basically says this: "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\32\D3DCOMPILER_43.dll wasn't projected/designed to be executed on windows or contains an error. Try Re-installing the program using the original media instalation or contact the system administrator or the software distribituor to obtain support. Error Status 0xc000012f"
I saw a thread in spanish about this error and i did do dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth and restart and check the Redist and seems to be fine with them but still this error persists what should i do? Or what exactly is the cause of the error (BTW i have the bought steam version of the game)
Let me guess, you downloaded that dll from one of those dll download websites?
Nope, never downloaded that DLL
Alright it seems that the D3DCOMPILER_43.dll was corrupted (somehow) DirectX wasn't detecting it and wasn't downloading anything (again, somehow...) and i had to unninstall it manually then run DirectX again, this time it actually worked and fixed the file, man i need to re-install this OS someday