why doesn't anyone answer me? The forum is racist towards French people ?
This is your first ever post in English on the forum.
French is just unimportant, try German next time that's much more active on both the forum and discord.
And for the reason why nobody answers, have you considered that not everyone speaks French, nobody here gets paid, you fail to even read the fucking error message and you already come off as an entitled shithead before the end of the title? We literally have one guy who speaks french, but since you are such an important person I can offer you 299€ per hour expedited service paid per started 15 Minutes and minimum quantity of 1 hour with the hour paid in advanced.But yes, playing the racism victim for certain is easier.
Akuma77 thank you very much for your support
Xerxes It's the only way to get you to talk, whether in English or French.
You understood the crash screen very well, error fait pas l'innocent these well in English. without even understanding my message in French just by looking at the error you understood the problem but good....
You can translate directly into English or French via Google, Explorer or Safari. That's what I do...
The fucking message as you say tells me to report the bug on the forum these what I did.
Pretty the mentality of the forum and the community, whether on youtube, discord, forum you are not very nice and kind. -
DakiDakiSS said in why doesn't anyone answer me? The forum is racist towards French people ?:
Xerxes It's the only way to get you to talk, whether in English or French.
You do realize that I have more than 3k posts on this forum alone? If that was even close to reality I would certainly not have that many.
DakiDakiSS said in why doesn't anyone answer me? The forum is racist towards French people ?:
You understood the crash screen very well, error fait pas l'innocent these well in English. without even understanding my message in French just by looking at the error you understood the problem but good....
Nope, that crash screen is as helpful as "my car doesn't work".
DakiDakiSS said in why doesn't anyone answer me? The forum is racist towards French people ?:
You can translate directly into English or French via Google, Explorer or Safari. That's what I do...
Too much work and too error prone, you have not even managed to send this message without mistake caused by it which further proves my point.
DakiDakiSS said in why doesn't anyone answer me? The forum is racist towards French people ?:
The fucking message as you say tells me to report the bug on the forum these what I did.
It literally tells you to include the relevant files. To which website did you upload them? Am I supposed to read your mind and log in to your google account as well to download?
DakiDakiSS said in why doesn't anyone answer me? The forum is racist towards French people ?:
Pretty the mentality of the forum and the community, whether on youtube, discord, forum you are not very nice and kind.
The problem is your entitlement. Like you think you are entitled to support, to the free work that went and still is going into plutonium and of course to our time translate from your cursed language.
If we were to translate each and every post from and to foreign languages we either would have to spend a lot more time or would get much less done. Your double standards are showing yet again considering you did not even read the full error message.BTW, you literally can't be racist towards french people since being french is not a race.
Normally the french speaking people on this forum and our discord are decent folks which help their own in french, so them not answering to you is quite telling about you.
But you are right, after that answer from you the chance you will get help from me are very sllim. I did let our french moderator know about this topic hours ago as I'm quite busy spending the little time I can spare supporting Plutonium. -
Xerxes It literally tells you to include the relevant files. To which website did you upload them? Am I supposed to read your mind and log in to your google account as well to download?
I bought and downloaded the game on steam.
ah so now you're the victim and I'm the bad guy OMG.
I just want to play and enjoy my favorite game, that's all I ask. You're strong you manage to turn the situation to your advantage you're a clown but good. It's true that these complicated to do translate english or french, it literally takes 1 sec.revealing of what? I did nothing wrong all my messages whether on youtube, discord, or the forum in my messages are courteous and kind.
it's just that nobody replies, no malice from methank you again for your hard work in providing these admirable OMG
DakiDakiSS no one has to help you and playing the racism card (???????????????????????) makes us not want to help AT ALL. I'll be sure to not help you with this behavior, that's for sure
if you really wanted to help me you would have already done it but anyway
c'est triste bien trsite de votre part
so I was right, have a good evening -
DakiDakiSS I'm not reading every single post on the forum every single minute so I just didn't see your post. You just sound like an entitled clueless and stupid person tbh
Resxt Borring