did bo1 pluto zombies get updated to play coop crashless?
its been a month or more and was wondering if issues involving bo1 zombies (coop) full crashing within 5-20 minutes into a game was fixed. pluto admins seemed to not have a direct answer on the issue (expected) but was hoping those keeping up with the updates could let me know if that common issue was fixed. I didn't see anything on the forums about it being fixed nor got a response from admins of the issue being resolved in a new update in the last month.
You do realize you can check changelogs for it.
https://plutonium.pw/docs/changelog/ -
6RAIZreplied to WolflexZ on Jun 18, 2024, 6:50 AM last edited by 6RAIZ Jun 18, 2024, 9:52 AM
WolflexZ i did not thank you : ) cant lie though I don't see what I'm looking for nor any dates for each update.
If not then they probably have no added it. I don't think its also a priority or not in the list. Why don't you ask on their discord.
im new to plutonium how can i install it on windows 7?
WolflexZ Contributorreplied to MesuesiHungarez on Jun 19, 2024, 6:13 AM last edited by WolflexZ Jun 19, 2024, 9:15 AM
MesuesiHungarez Why are you writing this on this thread? Also I don't think windows 7 is supported. https://plutonium.pw/docs/system-requirements/