[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to maps
yo sehteria can you like mix this mod with the perks one? if you do iy i would be very grateful
Jeezuz I will when both mods are at a stable and finished version
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sehteria What you think of me sending you a few weapons im almost getting completed to add to you pack? since yours already have alot more work put into it. ive managed to get the SPAS from SP and Peacekeeper from MP, will check some others that i could get later like the Dragunov, Browning HP, M60 and Makarov
Can you try to do [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons to all maps?
Maximizer Blake I'm not planning to do that yet, but in the future sure. I have that listed as an idea for later
AdrX003 You can send them to me on discord (sehteria) and I'll take a look into it and possibly implement them into an future update
sehteria okay
How long are you going to [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons to all maps?
Maximizer Blake I have no plan to begin anytime soon to be honest, so I can't give you a clear answer
sehteria alright
I forgot to say this, try to do [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons and zm_perks - adding all perks to all maps in the future.
Maximizer Blake Great idea,I already have thought of this and will eventually make 1 single mod combining the 2 mods I made (zm_weapons & zm_perks)
sehteria that zm_weapons & zm_perks was a past thing.
I'm getting bored for waiting for you to update.
Maximizer Blake Let him work bro, if you are getting bored, do your own mod
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iElec I can't do my own mod, because it's too hard.
sehteria I'm having a hard time for waiting for you to update [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons and zm_perks - adding all perks to all maps.
Maximizer Blake Great things Deserve the wait