[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to maps
sehteria alright
I forgot to say this, try to do [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons and zm_perks - adding all perks to all maps in the future.
Maximizer Blake Great idea,I already have thought of this and will eventually make 1 single mod combining the 2 mods I made (zm_weapons & zm_perks)
sehteria that zm_weapons & zm_perks was a past thing.
I'm getting bored for waiting for you to update.
Maximizer Blake Let him work bro, if you are getting bored, do your own mod
This post is deleted!
iElec I can't do my own mod, because it's too hard.
sehteria I'm having a hard time for waiting for you to update [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons and zm_perks - adding all perks to all maps.
Maximizer Blake Great things Deserve the wait
Ivobardolf I know
Is it possible to use this mod on a dedicated server? My game keeps crashing as soon as I hit the box.
Deadmemes64 It should work, make sure no other scripts are clashing with the mod.
sehteria Excellent mod I used it a lot with friends, it would be possible in the future to add more weapons than what are already added in the mod
sehteria Can't you do [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons and zm_perks - adding all perks to all maps? Because i'm getting bored for waiting.
Dec Contributorreplied to Maximizer Blake on Nov 14, 2024, 10:40 AM last edited by Dec Nov 14, 2024, 12:44 PM
Im sure he has better things to do than to please you.
Just like plutonium he does this for fun not for you.
If you're so bored why not try doing it yourself instead of waiting for the spoonfeeding airplane to take off!
Havnt updated the mod for a while will be testing it on my local soon checkout the new changes and additions cant wait.Amazing mod!
Maximizer Blakereplied to Dec on Nov 14, 2024, 7:58 PM last edited by Maximizer Blake Nov 15, 2024, 8:20 AM
Dec I don't know how to doing it myself?
Maximizer Blake wtf man.
Maximizer Blake if u wanna help... ive just ported Makarov, Browning HP, Peacekeeper, Dragunov, M60 and SPAS-12. M60 has a belt position problem to be solved wile Makarov has a problem on the camo wich i think ill solve today.
You could help by just find where all the launcher sounds are for the MM1 Grenade Launcher, SMAW, FHJ-18AA and FIM-92 Stinger and the Valkyrie Launcher because i guess ive managed to port them but i cant find the sounds nor force the game to add them from the files i have. just tried again by placing all the SP files on the game folder but they still dont load the sounds.
AdrX003 I still don't know how to doing it myself?