Start with B23R + regular pistol??
Does anybody have a script that allows the player to start with the B23R and also the regular pistol (M1911 / Mauser for origins)??
I do have a similar script but its compiled. Can't really share compiled files without the uncompiled file.
WolflexZ But couldnt anyone convert it to source with gsc-tool or cerberus... ?
(anything thats not obfuscated for whatever reason at least............) -
AdrX003 You can if you want.
WolflexZ but maybe it can be show the original source code with a decompiler, or it's not possible??
@Larccc said in Start with B23R + regular pistol??:
save it with .gsc extension.
init() { maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility::onplayerconnect_callback( ::on_player_connect ); } on_player_connect() { self waittill("spawned_player"); if(maps\mp\zombies\_zm_weapons::is_weapon_included("beretta93r_zm")) self maps\mp\zombies\_zm_weapons::weapon_give("beretta93r_zm"); }