Names of PaP files.
Yh, I'll work on it when i get out of school. i was thinking about making some like pink demascus or printstream
LKurama Thoughts? ^
@Hong-Kong-Lover I dunno, do whatever you want
GhostRider0125 yo ghostrider was wondering if you can make a junio h sad boyz 4 life II camo
for the m1911 on bo2 or all
weapons if possible -
@SAD-BOYZ-II i dont think i would have the time to make the 1911 let alone all guns since my college has started
ill try to do the 1911 but dont think it'll be anytime soonSend me a pic of it that you want me to slap it on
and also do you want it to be on the grip of it and the rest of its body color based on the image
or do you want me to put it side ways on the side of its barrel and do rest of it colored
GhostRider0125 on the side barrel and grip match the color of the image on barrel
GhostRider0125 this can you put this on barrel? and add SAD BOYZ 4LIFE on the side of barrel wit the image
( -
@SAD-BOYZ-II you mean i put it on top of the barrel where the iron sight is?
if you could send a pic of SAD BOYZ 4LIFE that you like cuz idk you might not like what i put on it
like put the image to where you can see it and then in words put SAD BOYZ 4LIFE
with the image
did you do yet GhostRider0125 -
@ReddCodeineee I AM SO SO SORRY DUDE I LITERALLY FORGOT ABOUT IT! ill do it once i get back home tomorrow
Hopefully i dont forget -
This post is deleted!
@ReddCodeineee Hey bud i just made it real quick and didn't have much time to make it better idk what i was thinking but i though giving it 2 color one for from the grip one from the side of the barrel
if you want to make it not reflective just make a copy of the .iwi file that doesn't have col at the end of it then rename it to the one that the col at the end of it
Non reflective
you can barely see the stachu cuz the shots were in a very bright place dont know it'll be that visible tho