when i launch custom maps the game freezes in the loading of the maps
when i launch custom maps on waw plutonium the game crash in the loading screen of the map and when i go see the other thing that open when i launch t4 (idk what its called but there is like scripts in it) so when i go see there i see that it say something like error loading coltm1911 in red but instead of just being one gun its like the entire texture and weapons and evrything of the map couldn't be load so all i see is just all red scripts saying error loading..... (for specification before it started crashing all my mods and maps were working fine and then boom none of the custom maps i have work)
here what the scripts thing look like
here is another screenshot of what the script thing look like
thats pretty much it so if someone can help it would be appreciate (sorry for my bad english im french)
All the errors are meaningless, that's for devs, most of them aren't actual errors that cause issues
Is this your game or your server? You posted this in the server section
If it's an issue with your game make sure to always play in windowed borderless. If this doesn't fix the issue send a screenshot of the 2 mods folders with the full path visibleCheck the loading mods doc for the paths
now it look like it's fixed but thank you for responding have a nice day man
undefined Xerxes moved this topic from WAW Server Hosting Support on
Resxt i have a question i want to delete t4 and reinstall it because my game files are all fucked idk what happened so i was wondering if you could show me how can i delete t4 plutonium
bz_rtu I don't think it's gonna be of any help but here