Missing mp and zombies dlc
Missing mp and zombies dlc how do i get them? im using the plutonium launcher
Run piry in your bo2 folder, it'll download all the dlcs.
HannesC I'm having a similar issue to KoalaBeer's in terms of obtaining DLC, specifically for Zombies. I own Black Ops II on Steam, but only have Mob of the Dead legitimately owned as DLC. I am able to run Plutonium launcher just fine, except I can't play any DLC maps other than Mob of the Dead. Unlockall in the console doesn't work, and when I run piry in my Steam game directory it appears to be downloading something 13.6gb in size, which to me looks like it's just reinstalling BOII again. Is piry installing DLC only, or is it installing the game all over again?
Well it's just checking what you already have, skips over them and downloads what you don't have. So yeah let it run, it's just downloading a few dlcs. Also why doesn't unlockall work for you? You could try manually setting your prestige too, statsetbyname plevel <number> in the console.
MrKoalaBeer Then follow the readme and pinned guide on how to download piry.
none of that is there as it installed off the launcher
HannesC I've put the piry.exe file in my bo2 folder because i have it on steam, I did the download but it still dosen't seem to work.
Hynsie piry no longer works. Also this has been answered many times, refer to this topic https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/5257/dlc