🩸Low Health Red Screen Overlay💀
hey there again
i was thinking to myself why hasnt anyone made a custom red screen
so heres some i made
4 (a better version of the last one i think anyway ive putten both if anyone wanted to change them)
Low Health Overlay.iwd
when you downloaded the file extract it then put the .iwi that you like in your images folder which you can find it hereat the bottom left corner of your screen right click your windows icon and select Run then type : %localappdata%
then go to plutonium folder then storage then t6 then images
Paste your .iwi files in this folder (if ou dont have images folder create it) and done XD -
5th da best no cap
Cawldwink agreed
Cawldwink FaZe Flick well at least i know now it wasnt all shit thanks guys