Plutonium Updater Crashing
Everytime I try to load the launcher it gives an error when fetching an update. Uninstalled and reinstalling did not fix. Is anyone else having this issue?
did you fix it? having same issue
I'm having the same issue they are.
Having the same issue, anyone found a fix?
this error is ALL over the forums, a simple search should give you a few ideas that work for most people.
In summary, you need to change SOMETHING about your internet. there is a connection error between you and the servers. Try switching to ethernet, wifi, hotspot, reset your router, use a vpn (cloudflare warp works well for most!). you bascally need to "switch it up" to fix the network connection error.
DirkRockface Tried all of these and still nothing, thank you for the response. Hopefully it just resolves itself.