Tavern is back
SC Kiels didn't someone just release the Tavern code?
Is this an updated version of that with some of the stuff fixed?
(they had mentioned some bugs)
"can you clarify the issues ?"
SC Kiels no, someone had posted some Tavern code here earlier saying they had some bugs (i forget who or where it was), so i was just wondering if it was that code... i had offered to help them with the bugs (i have a similar system as theirs) but they said they were shutting Tavern down and didn't need it fixed
That must have been someone else in Tavern though... never mind!
I'm actually amazed to see that my github gets 100 views per week lol, i've only posted the link one time on the discord that I killed
Seems like it spreaded like wildfire.I am the sole developer that worked on this project
Multiple owner used my code, fully or partially
They probably reposted it here then -
SC Kiels here it is:
it was not you, so never mind!
That is a cat fish, please report his profile
Since i deleted my account someone else took my name
Joined on 2023 and using my pfp (I joined Pluto from its creation)
On top of that, impersonating & advertizing other servers
This guy wants trouble lolThat code is not mine, looks like a bank system reconversion in GSC
It's probably Muda, i'll send him a warning first -
nice GG
I wonder how long till the catfish profile gets nuked
SC Kiels my guess... never... no way to know?
This account could be the catfished one!
Added you on discord
I'll show you around
Hello guys i have problem on my Node server manager i got error
here in the server
i reinstall the node and after i ran npm install i got this its normal?