How to play with players on your local lan, and players online through plutonium (no server required)
Hello all, I ran into this issue last night and would like to share how I overcame this in case anyone runs into it and doesn't/cannot setup a server to circumvent this. I had some friends over to play and wanted to play with some remote users as well, but found that the people at my house could not connect when one of us was already playing.
As you may find out, you actually cannot play with more than 1 player on the same network for Black ops 2. I will open a separate topic on this to find out what steps we need to do to fix this (as I could be doing something wrong) but for now, this works ok.
You will need to download and install Radmin VPN. (only the host and the remote users)
You will need everyone signed into plutonium (may not be required.?)
You will need to know your local IP address (for whoever is hosting) and make sure the people in your LAN know it. (if you have them on your network)Now in Radmin, setup a network and share that to the people that are playing remotely.
Now, whoever is hosting (which it should be the person with the people on the same LAN) the remote users will need to connect to your RADMIN IP address. They should be able to see this and you can see it on the top of radmin.Next, setup the match. For this example, I just go into custom match and setup my options. Once that is done hit start match.
As soon as you are in the match with the countdown, your players can join.
Both sets of users will need to bring up the console command (the ` key located next to the number 1) and type in the following command for their respective user. (this sentence means both users will need to use the console command, but their commands will be different)
remote users - connect (Enter your radmin IP address of the host. This will usually be a 26. address)
local users - connect (Enter your hosts' ip address. This will usually be a 192.168 address)If successful, you guys should all be in the game now.
The unfortunate part, is that there is no lobby. You will need to do the connect command every time your game starts. Fortunately, you can just hit the up arrow on your keyboard and enter the same command as before.
If you have any questions please let me know, I'll check on this every so often but I don't go in the forums often.